One of the best things about taking your children to daycare is that they learn how to interact with other kids and adults. Hey, the same is true for your pets. That’s why Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic has opened a daycare center for dogs at its new place on North Allen Road.
Recognizing there is often a need for a daycare center for pets – whether it’s a day here and there or a daily thing while the owner goes to a job – Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic now invites its clients to apply for one of the slots. There will be up to about 30 dogs each weekday, with the pets being divided up according to size and activity level.
At the Meadowbrook daycare your dog will have water as needed, an outdoor play area if the weather cooperates and, most important, the opportunity to work off excess energy while socializing with other dogs.
Some requirements for the doggy daycare include:
- Each dog must meet vaccine and other health requirements
- Each must be spayed or neutered
- Each will be evaluated during their first visit to determine aggression levels
There is an application and screening process for pets and their owners, even if the daycare is used for only one day. Meadowbrook wants to ensure pets are compatible as possible and not overly aggressive.
Plans are per-day or package deals are offered for passes up to 30 days at a time.
Stays at the daycare can be combined with grooming at Meadowbrook, if the owner wants. Or dogs being boarded can, for the addition daycare fee, be brought over for the interaction with other dogs.
We look forward to see your best friend at Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic’s daycare center.
Daycare Info
To ensure the safety and health of all animals, customers and staff at Meadowbrook Bark District, we require all clients to comply with the following rules and regulations in addition to filling out the daycare enrollment form and liability waiver online or in person.
- Vaccinations
All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations. You must submit written verification of the vaccinations from your veterinarian. It is your responsibility to provide on-going verification of current vaccines. The vaccinations we require include:- Distemper
- Bordetella (kennel cough)
- Rabies
- Canine Influenza
- Fecal Examination and Parasites
- Proof of a negative fecal exam within 90 days of starting daycare, and then yearly thereafter.
- Your dog must be on a yearly flea preventative program
- Spay/Neuter
- Any dogs over 6 months of age must be spayed or neutered
- Behavior
- All dogs must pass the Meadowbrook Bark District behavior assessment for enrollment in our program. All dogs must be non-aggressive and not food or toy protective. Please remember that your pet will be spending time with other pets and that their safety and health is our main priority. Keep in mind, although it is supervised play, your dog may still acquire the occasional nip or scratch.
- Ages
- All ages welcome
- Hours of Operation
- Monday through Friday 6:30 am to 6 pm.
- Please note: Meadowbrook Bark District closes promptly at 6pm. If you cannot return to pick up your pet by closing, a late fee of $25 applies and your dog will be boarded at the standard lodging rate. You do have the option of lodging your pet for the evening, as well, at the standard lodging rate.
- Fees
- Due and payable at the end of each day. Cash, check and all major credit cards are accepted. Discount packages are provided and apply only if they are paid in advance. Pre-paid packages are non-refundable.
Agreement for Attendance at Meadowbrook Bark District Day Care
- Every dog reacts differently. Animals by nature, are unpredictable, and therefore present a certain level of risk when participating in group activities. The Bark District staff will make every effort to keep a safe and fun environment for all participants and to minimize injuries to all dogs in daycare I agree to hold the Meadowbrook Bark District harmless and free of any and all liability in relation to my dog’s stay at the Bark District
- In case of emergency or illness, I authorize the Bark District and Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic North to seek medical attention as needed. I understand and agree that I am responsible for any damages or injury incurred while my dog is in the care of Meadowbrook Bark District. The Bark District will make every effort to contact me before providing my dog medical treatment through Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic, but if they are unable to reach me, I hereby authorize Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic to examine and treat my dog in my absence. I accept responsibility for, and agree to pay any and all medical bills for my dog arising from emergency medical care judged to be medically necessary by the attending veterinarian.
- Dogs at play during regular daycare can get dirty. A bath and brush out can be requested and scheduled at an additional cost. Excessively long toenails may cause injury. I will be notified if my dog’s nails are too long, and if at the next visit the nails have not been trimmed, Meadowbrook Bark District will have them trimmed at my expense.
- Any behavior deemed dangerous or inappropriate by Meadowbrook Bark District personnel may result in dismissal of my dog(s) from the program.
- Photographs, videos or other digital recordings will be taken at the facility of dogs, customers and staff on a regular basis for use in advertising by Meadowbrook Bark District. I have Meadowbrook Bark District permission to use, reproduce or alter images in print or electronic format, including on the internet.
What to Expect on your First Day of Doggie Daycare
Although you know your dog is about to have a wonderful time, they don’t have any idea what to expect. They will get their cues from you on whether they should be worried, sad, anxious or happy. The calmer you are, the better they will feel. The less time spent saying your good-byes and hugging, the better. This is a fun day, and you should both be happy to be here. The sooner you leave, the sooner they will begin to adapt to their new environment and stop worrying about you.
When you pick up
Try not to be seen by your pet when arriving. Come into the reception desk and we will begin checking you out as soon as possible. We will send someone to go fetch your dog. If your dog sees you before you are ready to take them home, it will be harder to get them ready. Although they have had a fun and active day they will be glad to see you and will want to share all of their excitement of their day with you.
When you get home
This has been quite a day for your dog. They were probably too excited to eat, sleep or drink much, and maybe even too busy to go potty often enough. Water is available to every dog 24 hours a day. They are let out several times a day (and with nice weather play outside), but it may have just been a low priority for them with all the activities going on.
Do not overfeed your dog or let them drink too much water when they get home. They will probably vomit if they eat or drink too much too quickly. Feed them their normal meal and they will catch up on their eating and sleeping shortly.
Don’t be worried if your dog is lethargic and very tired. That’s what daycare is all about! Your dog has spent the day playing and being with the pack, and now they are tired. Since they are not used to working and playing all day, they might be tired for a few days!
Common things that happen in daycare
Dogs play and may play very hard. Scrapes, dirt and damp necks are to be expected. Of course, we’ll do everything we can to prevent your dog from getting injured and we will notify you if they do get hurt.
Sore feet is another common problem. They have gone from grass and carpet to running and jumping on a harder surface. Watch for blisters, and report any problems to the Bark District or Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic. They will eventually build up tougher pads and this won’t continue to happen.
Group play and exposure
Just like daycare for kids, dogs will be exposed to many new things at daycare. New smells, new play styles, new breed of dogs. Dogs will be exposed to new elements, new surfaces and new toys. The floors and water buckets are disinfected daily, the outside is also sanitized regularly. Every precaution is taken to ensure your dog’s safety and all dogs attending daycare are required to be up-to-date on their vaccinations and fecal examination. The exposure to your dog is no greater than a dog park, a pet store or a walk in the local park.
Day Stay
Kennel stays ensure someone is around to check on the pet during the day.
Luxury stays include a quiet, private indoor/outdoor area, TVs, special decor and free webcam access.
Discount packages of 10 and 20 Kennel Half and Full Days are available! Call us at (309) 682-6665 for more details!
Discount packages of 10 and 20 Half and Full Days are available! Call us at (309) 682-6665 for more details!